Opening Scene of Contrast

Challenges Faced whilst Filming

When we were filming our film opening we faced many challenges. The main challenges we faced was getting permission to film in public places like the underground and Canary Wharf. The way we over came the this was by phoning up the company of the building and asking them for permission for us to film in one of their offices. After asking them they kindly accepted our request and allowed us to film.
  The way we overcame the challenge to film on the underground was by getting a permission slip written from our media teacher Mrs Brookes. This way if anyone was a bit off with us filming then we could show them the slip.
   Another problem we faced wen filming from inside the building was when we wanted to get a high shot of the people walking on the ground. The problem about this shot was the reflection of the window as it showed us filming in it. As we couldn't shoot out of an open window we decided to get a different high shot of Stratford station.
   The final problem we had whilst filming was filming on the trains as the tripod we used took up quite a lot of room which made it an obstacle for people on the train. The way we overcame this was by filming whilst the train was moving. This way it wasn't in the way of anyone as no one was walking up and down the train.