Opening Scene of Contrast

Indiana Jones Opening Scene

Misc En SceneThere is a clear sign that this film is meant be shot in the 1950's. This is shown by the way the characters have dressed. The vehicles that they are using are also old fashioned which gives more evidence that the film is shot in an earlier period of time.

The main use of camera shot in this scene is a tracking shot. This is used because it helps to audeince watching the scene to keep up with the pace of the scene. This is because there is a lot of fast paced action going on within the scene.

The music that is being used in the opening scene is a song written by Elvis Presley, You Aint Nothing But A Hound Dog. I believe that this song fits very well into the opening scene of this film as it matches the time phrase and era that its meant to be in.

There are a lot of simple transitions that occur within this opening scene. These are simple but however are still very effective. Due to them being simple they appear to be faster which adds to the fast pace of the scene.