Opening Scene of Contrast

I Am Legend opening scene

In the opening scene of I Am Legend there are many spanning views of an abandoned city. This can infer that the city has been plagued and has therefore been left by humans and been left to its own devices. There is then a character shown driving down an abandoned road in the city. When the camera goes to the person he has a gun next to him. This could show that he has a lot of fear within him which is demonstrated through the use of having a gun near by for protection. After his dog sensing the close presence of animals that are available to be hunted the drivers skills become a lot more avid as he increases his speed in order to keep up with the wild deer. This can portray that food in the abandoned city is very rare so any chance to catch and hunt food must be taken.

Straight from the beginning of the film the equilibrium of the film is disturbed in the peaceful nature of the abandoned city. The disruption occurs when the two already distinguished main characters of the film come across the herd of deer. The tempo of the music and speed of the camera shots taken dramatically increases from this point before suddenly coming to a stop  due to the herd of deer escaping into a maze of abandoned, damaged cars.