Opening Scene of Contrast

Evaluation- Question 7, Looking back on your Prelim Task, what have you learnt from that to the final product?

This is my first prelim task. Due to this being one of the first tasks that was set for me to do in media I didn't find it easy at all. The hardest thing that I struggled with was the editing software. You can clearly see that the editing skills within this clip were very minimal. Looking back on it now I am not overly happy with how I went about the task. For instance the use of the music when faded into the speech was very sudden which made it come across as very amateur like. Most of the shots had either been taken very poorly or not edited to the correct ability. For example the first shot of the character walking down the corridor is very unsteady. In my opening scene for Contrast I would have redone this shot as I knew I could have done better.
On the other hand some of the shots that were taken such as the match on action shot when the character walks through the door were very good.

This being my final product of my opening sequence for my film. I believe that I have majorly improved not only in editing skills but also the selection of shots that I chose, choice of music, and the representations of the main characters within the scene. I also had a higher understand of what makes a film opening attractive to watch from the target audience point of view due to all of the research I have completed to get towards this final product. From 0:24 seconds to 0:28 seconds the editing transition of one shot running into another with a title also moving across with the transition shows how much I have progressed with the ability of my editing skills compared to the Prelim Task.

Overall I believe that I have learnt a lot from the coursework that I have completed. I have a better understanding about editorial skills within the software Adobe Premier which you can clearly see from the progression from my Prelim task to my final draft of Contrast. Some of the theory that we learnt whilst doing our coursework such as the 'Barthes Codes' also helped contribute towards the making and development of the finished product.

Main Things That I Have Improved
Editing- Overall skills have been improved due to me being more comfortable with the software that I was using and being confident enough to experiment with different techniques.

Camera Shots- The choice and selection of shots that I used have majorly improved from my Prelim Task to my opening scene. I believe that the reason behind this is because during some of the meetings with the other members we created a shooting schedule and shot list. We did not necessarily follow this completely but it gave us a basis to work around.