Opening Scene of Contrast

Filming in progress

We were on our way to London to film the shots that were going to be used in our opening scene of our film. The shots that we filmed on this trip were for the character Tony who works up in the city of London.

MoodBoard Inspirations

These are a selection of images from a mixture indipendant films like 'The double' and 'Splitscreen - A love story' to fellow peers final opening scenes from a year ago like 'Fighting To Survive'. The reason we chose to put images from their film openings as they gave us ideas of splitcreen films and how they were produced. Fighting To Survive gave us the inspration of doing a film opening in the eyes of two different types of people.

Recci Shots

These are the shots I got from London when I went up with my family. They are of Canary Wharf in the Isle Of Dogs. I took these photo's with my dads Nickon D750 Digital Camera. I got these pictures as this is where our film opening is going to be based. I took the photo of the train as it shows where will be filming in order for the successful man to get to work.



These are the other recci shots that i took. They are in a pub in Hatfield Peveral who i know the owners of and havbe kindly let us use their facilities.


Target Audience

Meeting deciding the actors and locations to be used

This is an image of Will and Ben decided on the actors that will be used for our film opening. They also had to take into consideration the locations the shots were going to be taken at.

The Last Of Us- Title Sequence

T1 11seconds

T2 15seconds

T3 24seconds

T4 43seconds

Interview of Richard Morrison

Richard Morrison gives lots of good advice during the interview. He has made over 150 titles over 3 decades worth of work.

-He suggests that once you have created the storyboard you should make an actual model of your idea to make it more visual for you to be able to adapt and improve.
-He also gives advice that once you have finally created the title that you should wait a day before you look at it again for a final time. This gives you a chance to be able to decide whether or not you actually like it or not and whether it needs improving or not.
-You do not have to start with a complex idea from the start. It is easier to start with a simple yet effective idea at first and then you can add even more ideas until you get to where you feel is a suitable position to complete the titles.

Individual Film Pitch

This is my indivdual film pitch that I have created. I will present this to the group that I am with and we will collectively decide whether or not out of all of our film pitches it is suitable or not. If it is a suitable idea then we will all as a team work together to help improve aspects of the pitch.

Planning meeting

In our first planning meeting we discussed and finalised our choice of film genre that we were going to do. We then started to adapt and improve our film pitch which we as a group decided it on being a hybrid genre of drama/disaster.

British Film Institute Trip

On the 7th November our media class went to the BFI (British Film Industry) in South Bank, London. Here we were taught all about the differerent variations needed to get the the finished product of a film, ranging from the producing of films to the distributing of them.

On our arrival at the BFI we entered a room to listen to a lecture by Rob Miller. The first thing he taught us was what the difference was between a mainstream and an independent films. A mainstream film is a film that is distributed to mass, national and international audiences e.g. Avatar and Gravity. These films tend to have a high budget produced by big institutions like 20th Century Fox. An independent film is one that has more localised appeal with 'niche' audiences. They are usually targetted to a very specific target audience. Independent films do not have access to extensive distribution networks.

Later on Rob interviewed Matthew Justice who is a managing director of Big Talk. He shared his experience in making films such as 'Hot Fuzz' and TV programmes such as 'Our Zoo'.

After this we met a man called Lee Bye. He is currently head of theatrical distribution and technical at Pathe, a leading independent production, distribution and international sales company. He shared his experiences of distributing films and what makes an independent film distribution different to the distribution of a mainstream film.

The last person we were given a talk by was a woman named Clare Binns. She is a programming & acquisitions director at Picturehouse Cinema Ltd. She shared with us how films get from the end product of the film to the showing of them in the cinemas.

The whole thing was a great experience and helped me understand the true making of films and how much of a long process it can be

Quantum- Film opening review

What I liked:-I liked the fact that the genre was very clear and obvious that it was a supernatural thriller. This is portrayed by the type of clohing that they are wearing.
-All of the shots linked in well with the genre and helped to increase more tension.
-The action music that is in the background helps add to the intensity of the opening scene.
-The last shot that was taken where the girl jumps and disappears is very good and also increases suspension of what is going to happen next.

Christopher- Film opening review

What I liked:-All of the shots that were taken were very well.
-The commentary that was laid over the shots linked in very well with the shots.

What I disliked about it:
-The genre of the film opening was not very evident.