Opening Scene of Contrast

Indiana Jones Opening Scene

Misc En SceneThere is a clear sign that this film is meant be shot in the 1950's. This is shown by the way the characters have dressed. The vehicles that they are using are also old fashioned which gives more evidence that the film is shot in an earlier period of time.

The main use of camera shot in this scene is a tracking shot. This is used because it helps to audeince watching the scene to keep up with the pace of the scene. This is because there is a lot of fast paced action going on within the scene.

The music that is being used in the opening scene is a song written by Elvis Presley, You Aint Nothing But A Hound Dog. I believe that this song fits very well into the opening scene of this film as it matches the time phrase and era that its meant to be in.

There are a lot of simple transitions that occur within this opening scene. These are simple but however are still very effective. Due to them being simple they appear to be faster which adds to the fast pace of the scene.

Terminator 2 Opening Scene.

Misc en SceneThe setting of this scene is based around a very desolate wasteland which there is clearly a lot of visible damage. For the first 40 seconds of the opening scene theres very low lighting. This emits a very dark and gloomy image and also portrays an eerie effect.

CameraCamera shots show a very strong view of the robots as they are shot from below the robots to give a more menacing prescence.

There are lots sounds that add to the effect of the explosions and lasers. Horrific cries that are coming from humans emit the fear and dominance of the robots over the humans.

EditingThe lighting after 40 seconds suddenly starts to change. Special effects that represent laser gunshots coming from CGI robots light up the skyline in the foreground and background. Bright flashing explosions also appear in the background.

Juno Storyboard

In this task we were asked to make a storyboard for the opening scene of the film 'Juno'. On the storyboard we had to make a slide of every shot that was to be taken to the precise making of the real opening scene. To this we drew a rough sketch of what was going to be going on in the shot and then a short description of what was being shot and what type of camera take/shot was going to be taken.

Practise using Adobe Premier

In this task I was given a a select amount of already chosen video footage and music to put together to make a music video and then a James Bond movie scene. We had to edit using Adobe Premier for the first time so my editing skills within this clip are very basic. I slowly started to feel more confident with using the software and am happy with being able to produce some good work in the future on the software. I then uploaded my video to YouTube.

Genre Film Pitch- Payday

When we presented the pitch of our film to the class we received very average feedback. I believe that we could have increased our interest in the audience by presenting it to our class in a more in depth manor. This would then have gripped the attention of the audience more so that they would have been more indulged within the presentation. The average throughout our presentation was 30/60 which is exactly 50%. From most of the feedback to improve the main area that next time we need to concentrate more on is the cast members. I personally believe that the characters that we chose were suitable.

Thriller Movie

The location of this shot is yet again on the school field. We chose this location to take the image as the rays of light that are coming through the trees branching which then contrasts with the shaddows. This makes the image have a mysterious feel about it which makes the audience suspicious about previous goings on within the image.

Comedy Movie

The location of this photo shoot was on the school playground but we also used the backdrop as a mound that is found near the sixth form common room. We chose this location to take the picture as the shot can be taken from below which changes the perspective and make the three characters in the background appear as if they are standing on the character in the foreground's hand.  The three characters that are in the background of the picture are quite visible which helps the shot give added effect. The dominant figure that is standing in the foreground emits a funny emotion as he has girl hair but then a very manly beard which is a major contrast. Overall there is a very funny feeling about the image.

Superhero Movie

The location of this photo shoot was on the school field on top of a mound of earth. We chose this location to take the picture as the shot can be taken from below which can make the characters shown seem bigger and more dominant. As the photo is taken from below it also conveys the powerful nature of the characters from the deep blue sky in the background. The three characters that are in the main foreground of the picture are quite visibly good characters. This can be portrayed as they all look like they can stand against evil from the stances that they are in. The character that is hiding behind Deborah Hughes (middle) is the evil character in the shot. The evil character is used to and a hint of suspiciousness into the shot. This can be portrayed by the way he is standing, crouched and peaking round the body of one of the superheroes. The hat that is covering most of his face in dark shadow also emits more of an evil nature about the character himself.

Semiotics of Step Brothers movie

Semiotics are anything that stand for anything else.

Denotation- what we see when we look at an image.

Connotation- what we understand from looking at the image and interpreting different ideas from things such as themes, colours and personalities shown.

From this image of the film cover there are many different denotations and therefore connotations that can be made. In the image there are two grown men that are posing for a family photo. Due to their smiling faces you can interpret their relationship between eachother as happy and being comfortable in eachothers company. The two men are also wearing similar clothing. This could suggest that they are related or are interested in the same type of hobbies. The background behind the males is a blue. This could represent the peaceful nature between the two individuals and have a good solid frindship.

I Am Legend opening scene

In the opening scene of I Am Legend there are many spanning views of an abandoned city. This can infer that the city has been plagued and has therefore been left by humans and been left to its own devices. There is then a character shown driving down an abandoned road in the city. When the camera goes to the person he has a gun next to him. This could show that he has a lot of fear within him which is demonstrated through the use of having a gun near by for protection. After his dog sensing the close presence of animals that are available to be hunted the drivers skills become a lot more avid as he increases his speed in order to keep up with the wild deer. This can portray that food in the abandoned city is very rare so any chance to catch and hunt food must be taken.

Straight from the beginning of the film the equilibrium of the film is disturbed in the peaceful nature of the abandoned city. The disruption occurs when the two already distinguished main characters of the film come across the herd of deer. The tempo of the music and speed of the camera shots taken dramatically increases from this point before suddenly coming to a stop  due to the herd of deer escaping into a maze of abandoned, damaged cars.