Opening Scene of Contrast

Juno Finished Task

This is my finished product of my Juno Task. I believe that it went very well as it was also one of the first times that I used a camera to film myself and also considered myself a novice on the editing software. If I were to improve this I would redo some of the shots as they do not match the real video identically. I would also try to improve some of the transitions between shots to make the video seem clearer and also become a good comaprison compared to the real video.

Logo and Creation

This is the logo that I created for my production company. I got the idea of using the reel of film as it obviously links in with the production side of films and I believed that it looked appropriate.

Self Evaluation on Prelim Task

1) I worked with Harrison and Lee, we went about the task very well and found it very easy to co-operate with eachtoher. Lee and Harrison volunteered to perform in our task and I was to take all of the shots with the camera.

2) First of all our teacher gave us a genre without us knowing what it was. We were designated a Detective Drama and we straight away had a very good idea of what we were going to do. We started to research interegation scenes so we could have an idea of how to go about the task. Once we had the basic idea we started to plan in our heads the shots we should do and the script. Once we had a good idea of the shots and script we planned a storyboard of all the shots we were going to do. After we had planned the shots we created a script.

3) I used Adobe Premier Pro to edit all of the shots that I has taken. I also used to create a plan of what and how I was going to do. In tis prezi I included the plot, the script, the people who were going to star in the clip and other general information about the Prelim Task.

4)We had to take into account when shooting our clip that we had to have an appropriate room, an appropriate script and appropriate misc en scene. When shooting I had to make sure that I had all the shots that I was asked to use. When editing I had to make sure that all of the shots that we took were in chronological order. I also had to cut out any unnessecary parts of each of the shots that were not needed.

5)Overall our feedback was very good as we generally scored over half marks on our peer evaluation even when some of the groups didnt see our prezi presentation which obviously stopped us from reaching our full potential for our marks. We could have improved our task by making the genre more clear as this was the most picked on aspect within our peer evaluation. I personally believe that the genre was clear but there were ways hat we could have adapted it to make it even more clear for the audience to view. The best bit of feedback that we recieved was that we included all of the shots required and the prezi presentation was also very in depth and showed a good overview of the plot, cast and also the whole base idea behind the prelim task.

6)I discovered that my editing skills have improved since I last used Adobe Premier Pro. On this occasion I think that the only thing that could have been improved would be the actor involved in the task. This would then help to improve the recognition of the genre in more depth and would hopefully entice more people into liking my task.

Prelim Task- The PayDay Mission

Overall our feedback was  very good as we generally scored over half marks on our peer evaluation even when some of the groups didnt see our prezi presentation which obviously stopped us from reaching our full potential for our marks.
We could have improved our task by making the genre more clear as this was the most picked on aspect within our peer evaluation. I personally believe that the genre was clear but there were ways hat we could have adapted it to make it even more clear for the audience to view.
The best bit of feedback that we recieved was that we included all of the shots required and the prezi presentation was also very in depth and showed a good overview of the plot, cast and also the whole base idea behind the prelim task.

High Budget and Low Budget Films

In this task we had to research a high and low budget film and look at how and who they were produced and directed by, the budgets they were given to make the film and the earnings that they made off box office hits and general sales.

Narrative Theory

The main narrative theory we learned in our lesson was about Barthes Codes.

He has 5 main codes:

Enigma code- This is where there are subtle hints dropped that help add mystery to the of the plot line. These hints then all come together at the end of the film to help solve the viewers confusion. They also help to keep the viewer hooked through the film.

Action Code- This helps to gain attention from the viewer and also helps to keep them hooked.

Semantic Code- This code refers to the connotations that are being given throughout the storyline.

Symbolic Code- This is also similar to the semantic code but is on a lot wider basis.

Referential Code- This usually involves some relevance directed from some sort of religion and is used by linking with cliches, sayings and proverbs.